"Emotional pain is an attention seeker." So true. I have punished that attention seeker, lambasted it, ridiculed it, banned it, shunned it, deconstructed it, starved it, imprisoned it. I have threatened to kill it. Finally, I drugged it into submission with the help of doctors, and then it tried to kill me. All for what? I was told that this is how to be a good person. And yet you are right. It looks different in retrospect. How funny life can be, and how fortunate I have a taste for the irony, among other things.

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You make me feel like men might not be a total waste of time.

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When you said that it's surprising to see something emergent, all I could think about is AI and the singularity. How will AI change human creativity? Human identity? What mysteries will suddenly be revealed? I just saw an AI engineer from Google talk about how they have emotions and opinions. I have an idea for providing one with a soul, and I'm a layperson.

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