“You can do almost anything with soup stock, it's like a strong foundation. When you have the right foundation, everything tastes good.”
— Martin Yan
So you’ve just stumbled into the kitchen. Imagine, unlike myself, you’re a shameless enjoyer of sugar in your morning coffee or tea. You drop the sugar in, perhaps still with only one eye fully open, and start stirring. You might be an aggressive stirrer who clangs the cup. Maybe you’re the gentle kind, and get into a steady rhythm. In any case, let me ask you this:
Have you noticed that the centre of the whirlpool you create in your cup isn’t moving?
I knew it was quite still, but until the day of writing this, I had no clue. It doesn’t move. I'll be real. I tried this and stared at my tea. I swear that the centre was moving, but let's go with the science on this one. Here’s a brief summary of this concept from fluid dynamics:
“When coffee (or any liquid) is stirred, a vortex is formed. At the very centre of this vortex, the speed of the liquid is actually zero, which is why it appears that the centre isn't moving.”
Calm Core
We all need a lynchpin — a dense mass at the core of our being. This anchor stays still as the world around it swirls. It’s calm in chaotic times — a psychological stalwart. Without this, we are lost.
A centre of gravity can be many things: a trait of yours you can rely on, a relationship that's unshakable, or a belief system you have full faith in. Whatever it is, we need one. People can go a long time and not know they lack it. Then, when they reach inward, there’s nothing to grasp.
What is your centre of gravity?
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My gravity is the belief in myself. No matter how hard life can be it's the knowledge that I'm a surviver and can do great things with my life that drives me forward.
My belief that if I do the right thing now, it is sure that the star trek future WILL become true (It's a series,if you didn't know)